Saturday, September 5, 2009


why do people we dont like like us but the people we like never like us...every once blue moon people get lucky...i lucky...and actually have someone who i like like me. it just confuses me how the world works sometimes. there is someone at my work, he is cute, a BIG partier but i can handle that, and believe it or not sometimes he has a sweet side, not to mention the biggest, perfect smile ever!! but he wont make a move cause im the "boss's daughter" and people are scared that if they make me mad they will lose their job. honestly...i love being the boss's daughter but i still like to be treated like just another worker there by the other workers!! they are scared to talk to me or hang out cause that makes them think they might lose their job!! it stinks!! i just dont no what to do sometimes, i wish they would see that even though i am the boss's daugther and that wont change that im still a normal person here to work!! and to be told that is the only reason why they wont make a move stinks ever more!! life really does confuse me sometimes!!

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